Danny McAvoy
Writer, Composer & Producer
Danny is Irish and recalls from his earliest years, hearing vibrant music filling his childhood home. He first sang and acted in public at the age of 5 when he played the lead role in a school Christmas play. From then on, Danny has expressed his love for music by singing solo and in choirs and in bands of various types.
The Head Job
Before devoting his time solely to music, Danny worked globally as a facilitator, a coach and consultant with many large corporations, using vision building, acting and storytelling to help them to improve. During this time, he stayed in touch with his love of music, squeezing in his passion for singing and playing the guitar in the gaps between consultancy assignments.
The Heart Job
Someone once told him that ‘people tend to do what they are second best at’ and so twenty years ago Danny decided to devote all of his time to what he hopes he might be best at, to music and in particular to his first love musical theatre. Combing his musical, storytelling, organisational and facilitation skills, Danny has written five completely original full-length musicals. His musicals Little Ships and Uprising have been broadcast by radio stations around the UK and elsewhere. Last year his latest musical Eddie & Jenny was broadcast, with Danny playing Eddie and blues guitar and harmonica.
Danny’s most exciting challenge to date is of course staging Little Ships!